Pronunciation Guide
Chapter 1
Amara: The third-born Maígan princess; she was the reincarnated form of Carmigan, the Elf princess blamed for betraying the Dragons to Menonias. She was the focus of Gavin’s love.
Arimon: The youngest heir of Menonias; his spirit was consumed when he was transformed into a Vipermyst.
Artorma: Menonias’ most trusted acolyte; he had been bonded with the Elder Dragon of Air, whom he mentally and emotionally abused.
Avánus (Uh-Vawh-noohs): The Elder Dragon of Air and the former Spirit Brother of Artorma; he resurrects Gavin after the Dragonmyst was killed by Ith and teaches him how to use the element of air.
Belaryn: The Elder Dragon of Knowledge and Wisdom; he is going mad because of all the knowledge he possesses.
Brohímysta: The term for Spirit Brother, it is the name for a bond between a Dragon and another sentient being, specifically the bond between Gavin and Nex as the two halves of the Dragonmyst.
Cí-Cen: The fifth and central-most kingdom of Icínq-Régn; it is governed by a senate led by Chancellor Ceris.
Cí-Cennian: A citizen of Cí-Cen.
Council of Dragons: The ruling and decision-making body of the Dragons.
Dobryn: The Elf responsible for killing Menonias and for being Amara’s personal guardian; he also acted as the chief advisor to Amara’s father. He was killed in the Temple of Orman as a sacrifice to awaken the demon trapped within.
Dragonmyst: The title granted to the Herald of the Dragons' return to Icínq-Régn; there were supposed to be many, but there is only one: Gavin through his bond with Nex.
Elf: The second-oldest sentient race who dwelt peacefully with the Dragons and helped fight against Menonias' tyranny; after the wars, they exiled themselves to their homeland in the north and intermarried with Humans to create the Halfling race.
Frost: A spell that creates an icy burst of cold energy; one had been used by Amara on the Vipermyst before he killed her in the Temple of Orman as a Sacrifice to awaken the demon trapped inside.
Gavin: The Dragonmyst and Protagonist of Book II.
Halfling: A sentient being who possesses traits from both Elf and Human parentage.
Human: The fourth sentient race to immigrate to Icínq-Régn.
Icínq-Régn: The Five Kingdoms; together they form one nation with open borders and a single currency.
Ith: The Alpha Viper bonded with Arimon to create a Vipermyst; his spirit destroyed Arimon's, killing an heir of Menonias.
J'Hadahiri N'eth-Bani: The demon imprisoned inside the Temple of Orman; her name means the Womb of Shadows and she is the mother of all other demons.
Menonias: The first Halfling and Magus; his heirs are trying to continue his dark legacy of dominion over Icínq-Régn.
Nex: The young Dragon bonded with Gavin as one half of the Dragonmyst; his spirit was crushed and destroyed by the Vipermyst.
Temple of Orman: An ancient Elf heritage site that housed the spirit prison containing J'Hadahiri N'eth-Bani and guarded by the Elder Dragon of Air. It sits in the center of the Three-Sands Desert.
Three-Sands Desert: An ancient desert landscape that has been altered magically; it now has become a lush valley ringed by high-reaching mountains; most people believe that it keeps travelers from the Temple of Orman, but the real reason is something else.
Traddeon: The second oldest heir of Menonias; he was a tyrannical despot who has publically announced his family ties to his father and has taken over his father's infamous fortress at Helson in Terrincolto before he was drained of his life force by J'Hadahiri N'eth-Bani.
Viper: A Dragon transformed into a feral creature by Menonias' dark magic. Their bite transforms other Dragons into more Vipers, similar to a Vampire bite.
Vipermyst: An unnatural bond between a sentient being and a Viper.
Asher: An ally of Gavin and Amara; he is a Cadásur, a member of an ancient race of celestial beings who created all of existence.
Ceris: The chancellor of the Cí-Cennian Senate; he is the oldest and only surviving heir of Menonias.
Helson Fortress: The Terrincoltan capital city that used to be Menonias' residence of war.
Lacígra-D’antenati: The capital city of Maíga; it became the location of exile for the Elves at the end of the Menonian Wars.
Maíga: The northern-most kingdom whose lands bear the enchantments and governance of the Elves and their half-blood descendants, the Halflings.
Maígan: Of or pertaining to the Kingdom of Maíga; a citizen of Maíga.
Maix: A Bärvoltr who befriended Gavin; he is seen briefly in Book I.
Pasco-Dál: The eastern-most kingdom; it is a theocracy that is currently without a ruler as the king, his crowned princess, and Lord-General Arimon are all dead.
Pasco-Dálian: Of or pertaining to Pasco-Dál; a citizen of Pasco-Dál.
Ring Mountains: The mountains that surround the valley that had been the Three-Sands Desert; it was magically transformed after Asher destroyed the demon J'Hadahiri N'eth-Bani. The different portions of the mountains and the valley still possess magical properties.
Sola (Sowh-Luh): Ceris' personal assistant and the employee with whom he has an affair.
Terrincoltan: Of or pertaining to Terrincolto; a citizen of Terrincolto.
Terrincolto: The southern-most kingdom; it is ruled with an iron fist by Menonias' heir Traddeon who practices the same levels of dark magic as his father.
Ákrah: The demon spawn of J’Hadahiri N’eth-Bani; they are often summoned by dark mages for protection, espionage, and assassinations. Most had been used by Menonias.
Cadásur: The eternal celestials who made all of creation.
Garden District: The largest of the four districts of Cí-Cen; it is known for breathtaking botanical gardens and expansive public parks for which it received its name.
Mark of Accusation, The: A brand used in Cí-Cen to indicate imprisoned criminals who stand as enemies of the state.
Vampire: A bastard race of sentient beings who have been infected the viral bite of the undead.
Asár íl Cadásur: The true name of Asher.
Citadel of Belaryn: The tower of knowledge that sits amidst the gardens of Cí-Cen; it is the home of its Dragon namesake.
Coveno-Dospérna: The Cí-Cennian prison hidden beneath the core of the kingdom; the government believes that if the criminal element cannot be seen, then it doesn’t exist.
Groma: She is the King of the Dragons before she gets murdered by the Vipermyst.
Irédezen: Cí-Cen’s central-most district and home of the ruling class of the Senate.
Áscúro: The clan leader of the Vampires; he is beginning to build an alliance with Ceris.
Elfin: Of or relating to Elves.
Eye of Souls: A magical amulet that allows the wearer to steal the souls of the living; Ith takes it from the Dragon treasury.
Kolé-T’aníma (Kowh-lay-Tuh-awh-nee-muh): An ancient creature called a Soul Collector in the common tongue.
Mær-D’en: The westernmost kingdom; it has a thriving economy based on an agriculture, overseas trade, and fishing. They have a strong navy.
Mær-D’enian: Of or pertaining to Mær-D’en; a citizen of Mær-D’en.
Market District: Another Cí-Cennian district; this one is named for all the shops and curios filling its streets.
Monolith of Græko (Gray-kowh): An ancient Dragon site named after an Elder Dragon.
Sanctuary Forest: A neutral zone on the border between Pasco-Dál and Terrincolto; the Dragon Counsel had been hiding there for 200 years.
Tybúr (Ty-boohr): A large breed of shark often found in the waters between Mær-D’en and Ronso.
Zénk-Lán Úpírshi (Zaynk-Lawhn Oo-peehr-shee): The Blood Moon Clan of Vampires led by Áscúro.
Andredín (Ahn-dray-deen): An ancient Dwarf word meaning “(to) begin”.
DeJ’endí (Deh-Juh-ehn-dee): The high-born dialect of the Elf language that used a word selection filled with nuance and double meaning; this dialect was used for creating magical spells.
Núrmæl (Noor-may-yel): The low-born/common dialect of the Elf language; it disregarded subtlety and nuance and was used for more direct conversation.
Dead Island, The: The southernmost of three islands sitting off the Mær-D’en coastline; nothing lives on the island nor does anything grow on it. Ronsonian settlers once tried to settle on the island but they disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
Græko: The Elder Dragon of Earth; he is the namesake of the stone monolith he calls his home.
Izdefúche (Ihz-deh-fyoosh): The northernmost of the three islands sitting off of the Mær-D’en coastline; it is a volcanic, lush island free from the interference of mankind.
Porzch Valla (Poorj Vah-lawh): The Cí-Cennian Minister of Finance who directly works for Chancellor Ceris; he is a known womanizer.
Rozné (Rawhz-nay): A Vampiress who had appeared in Book I; it becomes known that she is the aunt of Chancellor Ceris’ assistant and paramour, Sola.
Ylene (Ih-leen): The Cí-Cennian Minister of State; she works directly for Chancellor Ceris.
Golem: A life-like puppet of mud or clay used by Gavin to fight Ith in Hubb.
Hubb: A trade city located in the central region of Mær-D’en.
Jorda (Johr-duh): A young girl that Ith tries to kill to lure out Gavin in Hubb.
Shire Reeve: The title given to the city watchmen of Hubb.
Ala (Awh-lawh): Jorda’s mother.
Anchorpoint: The central island sitting off the coastline of Mær-D’en; it has a port city filled with traders and markets, sailors, pirates, and smugglers. It acts as a stopping point for smaller ships sailing between Icínq-Régn and Ronso.
Cáldisér (Cawhl-dih-sayr): The king of Maíga and the father of Amara and her sisters.
Gad: The Mær-D’enian word for the allfather that Jorda’s family worships; this is the same deity that the Order of the Promasust and Pasco-Dál believe in.
Guyus (Gy-yuhs): A mage working for Ceris.
Hærborton (Hay-uhr-bohr-tuhn): The capital city of Mær-D’en known for its beautiful and massive harbor.
Jorm: Jorda’s father.
Kendra: The crowned princess of Pasco-Dál whom Asher had loved; her father murdered her and her unborn child and she died in Asher’s arms.
Menonian (Meh-nowh-ny-uhn): Of or relating to Menonias.
Nugak (Nyoo-gahk): A Cí-Cennian military captain in service with Guyus.
Royal Triumvirate, The: The ruling body of Mær-D’en, often referred to as the Three.
Arroues (Uh-roo-ess): A well-known pirate disliked by the Royal Triumvirate of Mær-D’en.
Blood Lightning: Crimson arcs of energy used by dark mages as curses to torture or kill their enemies.
Compassion: She is one of the members of the Royal Triumvirate; her name is derived from the personal characteristic that she is well known for exhibiting.
Finas (Fih-nuhs): A military captain directly serving the Royal Triumvirate; he is the commanding officer of a man named Micor.
Gortrab (Gohr-trahb): The groundskeeper from the orphanage Gavin lived at during his early childhood.
Micor (My-cohr): A rookie soldier from Mær-D’en who makes the mistake of underestimating the Dragonmyst.
pér Khöna (payr-Kooh-nuh): An ancient word taken from the Elf Language for magical reasons; it means “person”.
Power: He is one of the members of the Royal Triumvirate; his name is derived from the personal characteristic that he is well known for exhibiting.
Shadow Crossing: A portal similar in use to a slipgate but impossible to detect because it passes through the realm of the dead.
Sight, The: A magical gift of precognition that is rare, usually seen at best once in a generation; typically the bearers of this power are young girls who received the gift naturally through their ancestry. Those with the Sight are called Watchers.
Slipgate: A magical portal between two distant locations.
Wisdom: He is one of the members of the Royal Triumvirate; his name is derived from the personal characteristic that he is well known for exhibiting.
Callum: The quartermaster aboard The Dragon’s Serenity.
Clifton: The southernmost settled township in Mær-D’en, its chief industries are fishing and rice farming, the latter of which aids in the production and exportation of rice bread.
Drox (Drawks): The currency used in Icínq-Régn; the value from highest to lowest is gold, silver, and bronze; ten bronze equal one silver; five silvers equals one gold.
Kellage (Kehl-luhj): A former Knight of the Triumvirate who retired from service and founded a successful shipping firm.
Krood(s): A foodstuff made from a combination of bread baked with soft cheese, herbs, and salted meat or fish rolled up inside.
Mézu (May-zooh): A young boy saved from serving a life sentence in prison by Gavin after witnessing the corrupt Mær-D’enian legal system.
Raft, The: A fabled prison somewhere in Mær-D’en.
Rinna Hal (Rih-nuh Hahl): She is the captain aboard The Dragon’s Serenity.
The Dragon’s Serenity: A small cargo ship on which Gavin charters passage from Hærborton to Anchorpoint.
Warrior Princess: A vessel on which Callum once served under his uncle.
Wolf: The helmsman aboard The Dragon’s Serenity.
Zane: He is the first mate aboard The Dragon’s Serenity; he often speaks in an unusual manner where his words slur together.
Lich: An evil sorcerer with the power to command the dead.
Heaven's Blade: A Ronsonian ship owned by a civilian marketeer.
Vólkus (Vowhl-kuhs): The name of the volcanic peak of Izdefúche.
Ge-Hé (Geh-Hay): A Ronsonian earth deity.
Ky: Arroues’ cabin boy.
Net of Y’Vorn, The (Ih-Vohrn): A tripwire spell used by Ceris to detect Áscúro’s comings and goings.
Polémos (Poh-lay-mohs): A captain Arroues served under in his younger days.
Revis (Rhee-vihs): Arroues’ first mate.
War Horse: Polémos’ pirate ship.
Invégât (Ihn-vay-guht): Large cat-like Fire Elementals that guard the Fire Temple built into the heart of Vólkus; flames erupt out of the bodies in the place of fur, and their eyes, teeth, and claws are made of obsidian.
“Oí Magá!” (Oy-Mawh-gawh): An Elf expression meaning “Oh, Maker”.
Chótto (Chōh-toh): A Ronsonian word for “please wait”.
Mékyron (May-khy-ruhn): The Ronsonian surgeon serving aboard the Warrior Princess.
Pyrius (Peehr-ee-uhs): The Elder Dragon of Fire; she hates Humans because they helped nearly drive her race towards extinction.
Viprán (Vih-Prawhn): A barbaric cult that worships the Vipers – and the Vipermyst – as gods.
Kirara (Keehr-awh-ruh): Amara’s eldest sister; she uses magic to disguise herself as Arroues’ cabin boy, Ky.
Kleftós (Klehf-tōhs): A sailor aboard Arroues’ ship who threatens and loses a fight to Gavin; his name is Ronsonian for “thief”.
Thrall: A reanimated corpse in the service of a lich.
Zavier Maix (Zay-vee-uhr Mayss): A friend of Gavin’s who appeared in Book I; he is a Bärvoltr.
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Prâksée (Pruhk-say): A Ronsonian word meaning “practice”.
Serena: A fake name that Ith siphoned out of Kirara’s mind, thinking it the name of one of her sisters.
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Nespít (Neh-speet): A Ronsonian word meaning “new home”; the glyph for the word was seen marked on a bell tower found in a derelict settlement on the Dead Island.
Ocean Kingdom: An old Ronsonian reference to Mær-D’en.
Sea King, The: The name of Ronso’s patron god of the oceans.
Water Dwellers: A reference to creatures living in the waters surrounding the Dead Island.
Karkadinomes (Kahr-kah-dih-nōhmz): Water Elementals that guard the entrance to the Water Temple; they are ravenous, crab-like creatures that devoured the Ronsonians who established the settlement on the Dead Island and their presence generates a sleep-inducing fog that surrounds the island.
Klepté Sychénes (Klehp-tay Sih-kay-nehs): The Ronsonian translation meaning “Taker of Souls”, a reference to a Soul Collector like Ith.
Kyrns (Kuhrnz): Mermaid-like Water Elementals who patrol the waters around the Dead Island; they work as servants within the temple.
Mystá et Takásh (Mihs-tuh eht Tuh-kawsh): The Elf translation meaning “Taker of Souls”, a reference to a Soul Collector like Ith.
Témád (Tay-mawhd): The Elder Dragon of Water; she is the limbless, serpentine entity responsible for protecting the oceans and is referred to by Ronsonians as the Sea King.
Carmigan (Kahr-mih-guhn): The long-dead Elf Princess who had inadvertently given away the location of the Dragon nests to Menonias.
Speru (Speh-roo): The newly hatched Dragon that Asher had created at the end of Book I; she is the full reincarnation of Carmigan and Amara, bearing both of their memories, and her name means “hope” in the Dragon language.
Valen (Vay-lehn): The cult leader of the Viprán.
Agílibrón (Uh-jeeh-lih-brōhn): A more perfect fusion of heart, mind, body, and soul between a Dragon and another sentient being.
Célephæst (Say-leh-fayst): An ancient Elf celebration feast enacted to affirm historic moments.
Gorn (Gohrn): The royal advisor to the king of Maíga; she was briefly seen during the events of Book I as one of Dobryn’s apprentices.
Race Memory: An ability that Dragon’s have where they share stored memories with one another, even over great distances as seen between Témád and Speru.
Seline: The real name of Kirara and Amara’s middle sister.
Zilan (Zih-luhn): Seline’s husband.