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Pronunciation Guide

BOOK V:  The Mantle of the Fatherless


  1. Amara (Uh-mawhr-uh)She is the youngest daughter of the Maígan King; she was killed by the creature Ith during the events of Book I.

  2. Asher:  He is the Cadásur, a Human-Celestial half breed and the husband of the Maígan Princess Kirara.  He is in exile from Icínq-Régn after the events of Book 3.

  3. Cadásur (Kuh-dawh-soor)An ancient race of celestials.  They are the creators of the world with other members and elements of their history introduced through Books III and IV.

  4. Cáldisér (Cawhl-dih-sayr)He is the King of Maíga, a widower who raised his three daughters:  Kirara, Selene, and Amara; he exiled Asher after the events of Book III.

  5. Callum:  Twin brother of Gavin the Dragonmyst, he is the bearer of an ancient armor called Hadran Corvis, which he acquired during the events of Book IV.  He is linked with the Source of all Cadásur knowledge.

  6. The Dragon’s Serenity:  The Ronsonian ship captained by Rinna Hal and her crew, which includes Callum and her son, Theron Hal II.

  7. Elvish:  The ancient language of the Elves; it is heavily linked with magic and is spoken in the kingdom of Maíga as the majority of the Halfling population descended from the Elves.

  8. Farfell (Fawhr-fehl):  An Island Province used as the setting for the events of Book IV; part of the island was destroyed in a massive geological event caused by Callum’s adventures obtaining the Hadran Corvis.

  9. Gavin:  The Dragonmyst who was introduced in Book I; he and Rinna Hal became lovers during the events of Book II, inadvertently fathering Theron II.

  10. Gorn:  A true Elf and capable mage, she is the head of the Maígan Royal Guard and is advisor to the Crown.

  11. Hadreldín (Hah-drehl-deen):  He is the son of former Vampire-turned-Shadowkin Rozné, conceived by his father Zago when they were both still undead.  He is unique among his people because of his jet-black skin and silver eyes.

  12. Helson Fortress:  The military base of operations for Traddeon, it has now been assumed as the capital building of Terrincolto by the Shadowkin who have come to govern the kingdom through an informal community-centered governance.

  13. Kirara (Kih-rawh-ruh):  She is the eldest daughter of King Cáldisér of Maíga and the wife of Asher.  She temporarily disappeared during the events of Book III prompting her father exiling Asher.

  14. Lacígra-D’antenati (Lawh-see-gruh Duh-awhn-teh-nawh-tee):  The ancient city of the Elves and the current capital of Maíga.

  15. Maíga (My-guh):  The northernmost kingdom in Icínq-Régn, it is the ancient land of the Elves and literally translates as “land of magic” from Elvish; other magically associated beings originated here as well.

  16. Maígan (My-guhn):  Of or pertaining to Maíga, its people, and culture.

  17. Menonias (Meh-noh-ny-us):  He was the ancient warlord and the first Halfling.  His cruel reign of Dragon extermination ended 250 years earlier during the prologue of Book I.  His Heirs were supposed to take up his mantle and complete his work but were thwarted in their efforts.

  18. Mina (Mee-nuh):  She is a relatively young Human who was briefly turned into a Vampire and cured by Asher during the events of Book III; she has become Ráth’s most trusted assistant and a skilled warrior.

  19. Mó kór espreí rezevárk’adóu, mó kúr espreí pa semár, mó n’deí espreí akkúl cephánd (Mowh kowhr eh-spray reh-zeh-vayrk-uh-doh-oo mowh koor eh-spray pawh seh-mawhr mowh nuh-day eh-spray uhk-kool she-fawhnd):  An Elvish mantra used by Maígan healers to coach women during labor.

  20. Naya (Ny-yuh):  One of the healers coaching Kirara through delivering her child.

  21. Nérg’Nóm (Nayrgh-Nowhm):  Literally translates “Dark Elf” and is one of the seven branches of Elf lineage; they are extremely rare.

  22. Pa’ardát gaménosh márka a’avmená (Pawh-awr-daht gah-may-nowsh mawhr-kuh awh-awhv-meh-nawh):  A Ronsonian phrase of mostly profanity.

  23. Ráth (Rawht):  A former true Elf-turned-Shadowkin, he is the brother of Zago and the uncle to Hadreldín.  He is a skilled warrior and magic user.

  24. Rhona (Rowh-nuh):  One of the healers coaching Kirara through delivering her child.

  25. Rinna Hal (Rih-nuh):  She is the captain of The Dragon’s Serenity and mother to Theron II; she has a quick temper and holds a grudge against Theron’s father – Gavin – because she believes he deliberately left her.

  26. Ronso (Rawhn-sowh):  The Sovereign Empire sitting directly across the Western Sea from the Five Kingdoms.  The Empire is broken into several provinces which are overseen by the Lords of Noble Houses.

  27. Ronsonian (Rawhn-sowh-nee-uhn):  Of or pertaining to Ronso, its people, and culture.

  28. Rozné (Rawhz-nay):  She is a former Vampire-turned-Shadowkin and the mother of Hadreldín; she was cured of her vampirism by Asher during the events of Book I.  She is not a magic user.

  29. Selene (Seh-leen):  She is the middle of Cáldisér’s three daughters; she is also the only daughter he married off.  She has not been physically introduced in the series prior to Book V.

  30. Shadowkin:  These are Blood Elves, the third branch of Elf lineage who used to be Vampires.  Unlike their Maígan counterparts, they eat meat and possess a special inherent magic that drives away and makes them immune to Vampires.

  31. Theron Hal (Theh-ruhn):  He is the son of Rinna Hal and Gavin Lake, the Dragonmyst.  He was born aboard his mother’s ship, The Dragon’s Serenity.

  32. Traddeon (Tray-dee-uhn):  He was the middle-born of Menonias’ three heirs.  He was the most invested in fulfilling his father’s mantle, becoming a powerful dark magic user and the tyrant lord of Terrincolto before his death at the hands of a demon during the events of Book I.

  33. Zago (Zawh-gowh):  He is the deceased husband to Rozné and their son Hadreldín.


  1. Arimon (Ayr-ih-mawhn):  The third of Menonias’ heirs; he served as the Lord-General of Pasco-Dál and its armies.  He was killed when his body was merged with the creature Ith and his consciousness eradicated by the creature’s stronger essence.

  2. Arryn (Ayr-rihn):  A Vampire hunter trainee who bullies Hadreldín.

  3. Ceris (Sayr-uhs):  The Chancellor Supreme of Cí-Cen and Menonias’ eldest and only surviving heir.  He has been in power for the last 20 years.

  4. Cí-Cen (Chee-Sehn):  The centralmost kingdom of Icínq-Régn; it functions as a democratic republic and is governed by a Senate led by Chancellor Supreme Ceris.

  5. Cí-Cennian (Chee-Seh-nee-uhn):  Of or related to Cí-Cen, its people, and culture.

  6. Connor:  A Vampire hunter trainee who is killed in the Ring.

  7. Counsel of Five:  The committee providing oversight to all of the Five Kingdoms; each member is a duly appointed representative from their respective kingdom.

  8. Dánzang (Dawhn-zayng):  A Shadow/Vampire word for “dammit”.

  9. Darkbreed:  A mutated, highly virulent form of Vampire capable of turning living beings and normal Vampires into one of their horde.  The longer an individual exists, the more their body mutates into a perfect killing organism.  Only Cadásur and Shadowkin are immune to their bite.

  10. Denyó tú (Dehn-yowh too):  Shadowkin/Vampire for “Are you worthy?”.

  11. Drách Asár (Drawhk Uh-Sahr) The Vampire progenitor; his name means “the Dragon of Death”.  He was killed after the events of Book III by an unknown assassin.  He was Asher’s biological father.

  12. Elise:  A young Vampire hunter trainee killed inside the Ring; she was rescued from being a Darkbreed by Asher during the events of Book III.

  13. Evanæl (Eh-vuhn-ayl) A Vampire hunter trainee who bullies Hadreldín.

  14. Géravocón (Gayh-ruh-vowh-cown) The Shadowkin war council.

  15. Gillen (Gih-lehn) A servant and messenger working within the Shadowkin leadership.

  16. Icínq-Régn (Ih-seenk-Rayn) The Five Kingdoms consisting of Mær-D’en, Maíga, Pasco-Dál, Terrincolto, and Cí-Cen.

  17. Íncommenzío (Een-kowh-mehn-zee-oh) Shadowkin/Vampire for “Begin”.

  18. Jéso Denyé (Jay-soh Dehn-yay) Shadowkin/Vampire for “I am worthy!”.

  19. Kendra:  The only daughter of Krondak and the former crowned princess of Pasco-Dál; she died during the events of Book I when her father killed her.  She was pregnant with Asher’s child at the time.

  20. Kirin (Kih-rihn) The High Priest of the Order of the Prómasúst who ascended to the Pasco-Dálian throne in the chain of succession after Krondak, Kender, and Arimon died.  He raised Asher as a father figure.

  21. Krondak (Krawhn-dahk) The former king of Pasco-Dál; he killed Asher and Kendra when he discovered their secret romance and the child she admitted she conceived; he was executed by Asher when the latter’s Cadásur powers activated.

  22. Mær-D’en (Mayhr-Duh-ehn) The westernmost of the Five Kingdoms; it is ruled by a royal triumvirate.  It is the only kingdom with an active naval military as well as an infantry.

  23. Megan:  A Vampire hunter trainee who bullies Hadreldín.

  24. Merédí (Meh-ray-dee) Shadowkin/Vampire for “shit”; used as an insult.

  25. Mítzrâni (Meetz-ruh-nee) A felinoid species of slavers who live between Icínq-Régn and Farfell.  The are xenophobic and believe that other races are inferior, meant only for slavery.  They only trade with other slaving cultures, like Ronso.

  26. Monastery Tempílcra (Tehm-peel-cruh) The monastery where Asher grew up under the oversight of Kirin.

  27. Order of the Prómasúst (Prowh-muh-soost) the monotheistic religious order that worships the Cadásur as their god.

  28. Pasco-Dál (Pahss-cowh Dawhl) The easternmost of the Five Kingdoms; it is established as a theocracy with the royal seat as the defender of the faith, second only to the High Priest.  It is overrun by Darkbreed for the last 20 years.

  29. Pasco-Dálian (Pahss-cowh Dawh-lee-uhn) Of or relating to Pasco-Dál, its people, and culture.

  30. The Ring:  A circular set of mountains separating a forested valley from the rest of Terrincolto; the peaks are formed from life-giving, water-infused crystals coated in a rock and clay façade.  The valley is home to supernatural entities and replaced the Three-Sands Desert that transformed into this feature after the events of Book I.

  31. Rivendimór (Rih-vehn-dih-moor) The elite team of Vampire hunters trained by Ráth and Mina to go into Pasco-Dál to slay the Darkbreed overrunning the kingdom.

  32. Roy:  A Terrincoltan soldier and the father of Údo.

  33. Smédrepín (Smay-dreh-peen) A repelling charm used by Mina.

  34. Teela:  A young woman who trains to be a Vampire hunter; she has hidden prejudice against Hadreldín.

  35. Terrincolto (The-rihn-cowhl-towh) The southernmost region of the Five Kingdoms; it only has one city centered around Helson Fortress and is home to the Ring.

  36. Three-Sands Desert:  The desert region once covering most of Terrincolto that magically transformed into the Ring after the events of Book I.

  37. Túrne’edcásh (Toohr-neh-ehd-kawsh) The name of the tournament the Rivendimór uses to select new inductees.

  38. Údo (Ooh-doh) Hadreldín’s primary bully prior to the tournament.

  39. Zanadarós (Zah-nuh-dawhr-rowhs) The young adolescent heir apparent to the Ronsonian Empire’s throne.


  1. Aízor Ladâg (I-zowhr Lah-dug) The Captain of the Trident’s Strike.

  2. Anchorpoint:  The island and city of the coast of Mær-D’en used as port of call before journeying out into open waters; the city is a cosmopolitan environment from so many cultures mixing.

  3. Bántóu (Bawhn-towh-oo) Ronsonian for “father”.

  4. Dagger Class:  A Mær-D’enian classification of naval vessel.

  5. Dragonmyst (mihst) The title held by both Gavin Lake and Theron Hal; it carries a mantle of responsibility as a herald for the Dragons’ return to Icínq-Régn.

  6. “Duh Frawhz-luhnz?”:  Zane’s way of pronouncing “The Frostlands?”.

  7. Frostlands:  The highly uncharted arctic region north of Maíga.

  8. Gaménosh (Gah-may-nowsh) Ronsonian profanity used as an intensifier akin to “F***”.

  9. Hærborton (Hayr-bowr-tuhn) The capital city of Mær-D’en.

  10. Júko Hal (Jyuu-kowh) The Hal ancestral home in southeastern Ronso, one of the Ronsonian noble houses.

  11. Korlo:  A helmsman on The Dragon’s Serenity.

  12. Mær-D’enian (Mayhr Deh-eh-nee-uhn) Of or relating to Mær-D’en, it’s people, and culture.

  13. Mézu (May-zoo) An officer aboard The Dragon’s Serenity; he was rescued from execution by Gavin during the events of Book II.

  14. “Munnay Zane.  I’s duh furmay o’ dis duh Dragon’s S’renity.”:  Zane’s pronunciation of “My name’s Zane.  I’m the first mate of The Dragon’s Serenity.”

  15. Silverfin:  a tunny fish similar to Blue or Yellowfin Tuna.

  16. “Sluh yer wurz.”:  Zane’s pronunciation of “Slow your words.”

  17. Sopóko (Sowh-powh-kowh) Vulgar Ronsonian euphemism for male genitalia.

  18. Three-Step Squid:  A species of squid so venomous, a person can take three steps before they drop dead.

  19. Trident’s Strike:  The Mær-D’enian naval vessel responsible for boarding The Dragon’s Serenity.

  20. Triumviral Navy:  The official title of Mær-D’en’s navy; sailors use “Tri-Navs” as a shorthand.

  21. Zane:  The First Mate of The Dragon’s Serenity; he has a peculiar slurred speech pattern that makes him challenging to understand by people unfamiliar with him.


  1. Ákrah (Awh-kruh) A spirit of smoke and shadow often utilized by dark magic users as spies and assassins; they are the offspring of the demon that Asher battled at the climax of Book I.

  2. Commander Rex Derrin (Deh-rihn):  A Cí-Cennian commander assuming leadership of a squad sent to hunt Vampires in Pasco-Dál.

  3. Crafts District:  One of the four city districts making up Cí-Cen; it is where many artisans and performers live and work.

  4. Eísus Noserand (Ay-suss Nowh-zuhr-ahnd) The Cí-Cennian Finance Minister.

  5. Eíya (Ay-yuh) Ceris’ daughter; she serves her father and the people of Cí-Cen as a diplomat but she feels a calling to do something more active.

  6. Halfling:  A half-Elf descendant living in Maíga; they typically have more Human builds with he tapered ears and longer lifespan of an Elf.

  7. Helsonite:  A Terrincoltan residing from Helson.

  8. Jarus Gann (Jehr-us Gahn) A former captain of the Chancellor’s Guard and Eíya’s paramour; he still holds his rank but is transferred to command the watch at the Northern Gate.

  9. Jorda:  A young girl in her early thirties whom Ceris kidnapped because of her gifts as a Seer; she has predicted many outcomes Ceris seeks for his success.

  10. Market District:  One of the four city districts making up Cí-Cen; it is where many of the shops and stores and restaurants are located.

  11. Oridos (Oh-rih-dowhs) A city in southwestern Pasco-Dál overrun by Darkbreed; it is named for a nearby lake.

  12. Posen Farell (Powh-zehn Fuh-rehl) The undersecretary for Cí-Cen’s military leadership.

  13. Renarra (Reh-nawhr-uh) Ceris’ assistant.


  1. Brovin (Broh-vihn) Ceris’ predecessor; the Chancellor killed him to assume his office.

  2. Ceris íl Ménas (eel May-nuhs) Ceris’ full name, bearing the name of his father, Menonias.

  3. Menonian (Meh-noh-ny-uhn) Of or relating to Menonias.

  4. Menonian Age:  The century of Menonias’ reign prior to the events of Book 1.


  1. Agrovawhn (Ah-groh-vawhn) An ancient Dragon who was representative of the sun.

  2. Amédasós Province (awh-may-daw-sohs) This is the Ronsonian province where Júko Hal is located.

  3. Arch-Magus:  A highly skilled dark magic wielder.

  4. Árum (Awh-ruhm) An ancient Dragon who was representative of the moon.

  5. Brohímystas (Broh-hee-mee-stawhs) Ancient Elvish for “Spirit Brothers”, but doesn’t always connote male gender.

  6. “Buhsy, Theron ain’ere.”:  Zane’s way of saying “Besides, Theron ain’t here.”

  7. “Fish Bisk”:  Zane’s way of saying “Fish Biscuit”.

  8. Hatchet Class:  A smaller class of Triumviral Navy vessel used for patrolling shipping lanes off the coast of Hærborton.

  9. “He ain’t onduhshi, ain’tee?”:  Zane’s way of asking “He ain’t on the ship, ain’t he?”

  10. “He still maddabow Rinna yellin’ attim?”:  Zane’s way of asking “He still mad about Rinna yelling at him?”

  11. Izdefúche (Ihz-deh-fyoosh) A volcanic island off the northern coast of Mær-D’en.

  12. Myrmíraí (Mihr-mee-ryh) The most feared elite team of assassins and soldiers of Ronso; they spend their entire lives making warfare their sole profession.

  13. “Naw, ye told me dat he gottimself o’ skifta heh norf.”:  Zane’s way of saying “No, you told me that he got himself a skiff to head north.”

  14. Ocean’s Spirit:  The Hatchet Class Triumviral Navy vessel that attempts to stop Theron on the Mær-D’enian shipping lanes.

  15. Range of Fire:  The massive volcanic mountain chain spanning most of northern Ronso.

  16. “Soo yersel, doh-duh biskmay widduh Silverfin Korlo caw.”:  Zane’s way of saying “Suit yourself, though the biscuit’s made with the Silverfin Korlo caught.”

  17. Úpírshi (Ooh-peer-shee) The word for the Vampire people and their language.

  18. Vólkus (Vowhl-kuss) The volcanic peak sitting at the center of Izdefúche.

  19. Wolf:  The former pilot of The Dragon’s Serenity; he was killed by Ith during the events of Book 2.

  20. “Wuryah goin’?”:  Zane’s way of saying “Where are you going?”


  1. Bríyón (Bree-yowhn) One of the Senate Guards accompanying Ceris to the Northern Gate.

  2. Elgin:  One of the Senate Guards accompanying Ceris to the Northern Gate.

  3. Garden District:  The third and largest district covering much of the eastern half of Cí-Cen; it is home to two sites:  the Citadel of Belaryn and the Botanical Gardens.

  4. Irédezen (Ih-ray-deh-sehn) The centralmost Cí-Cennian district; its name literally translates as “Realm of the Senate”.

  5. Joles:  One of the Senate Guards accompanying Ceris to the Northern Gate.

  6. Lavasko-Reshél (Luh-vawh-skowh Reh-shayll) A trading post visited by Theron on the Maígan coast.

  7. Northern Gate:  The northernmost access between the boundary of Cí-Cen and Maíga.

  8. Orvis (Ohr-vihs) One of the Senate Guards accompanying Ceris to the Northern Gate.

  9. “Sha ké Lúméz" (Shaw kay Loo-mayz) A spell Hadreldín uses to light his path inside the derelict Oridos Orphanage.

  10. Slipgate:  A magical passage between one location and another; the magic passes the traveler(s) through the Cadásur Source.


  1. Asár íl Cadásur (Uh-Sawhr eel Cuh-dawh-soor) Asher’s true celestial name.

  2. “Íl Magá benedá se repáz et le cánverzégn” (Eel Muh-gawh beh-neh-dawh she reh-pawhz et leh cawhn-vair-zayn) “The Maker blesses our rest and conversation.”

  3. Kózán (kowh-zawhn) An Elvish command to open a water valve.

  4. Meera:  Eíya’s lady in waiting.

  5. “Món’Eíya ezpartí… ma corá espreé… eteé suma’árd” (Mowhn-ay-yuh ehz-pawhr-tee muh koh-rawh ehs-pray eh-tay soo-muh-awhrd) Elvish spoken by a spectral figure witnessed by Eíya; it translates “My life is taken… my heart is stolen… and I am destroyed.”

  6. “Mónio nám’et wa Eíya íl Ménas, arprézán mónio ferré, Cánchellé Ceris íl Ménas, edá pépallo de Arpálíb Régn di Cí-Cen” (Moh-nee-oh nawhm-eht wah Ay-yuh eel May-nuss awhr-pray-zawhn moh-nee-oh feh-ray Kawhn-cheh-lay Seh-rihs eel May-nuss eh-dawh pay-puh-loh deh Awhr-pawh-leeb Rayn dih Chee-sehn) Eíya’s official greeting to the Maígan queen.

  7. Óugán (Oh-oo-gawhn) An Elvish command to close a water valve.

  8. “Perveí índicór vól nám’et.” (Pehr-vay een-dih-kohr vohl nawhm-eht) The Elvish command requesting someone formally introduce themselves.

  9. “Puvoí stravín peldev.” (Poo-voy strah-veen pehl-dev) The Elvish command for someone to stand in the presence of the Maígan queen.

  10. Raya Tree (Ry-yuh) A special breed of tree cultivated by the Elves; the sap oozes in sunlight and crystalizes at night into a shiny reflective surface.

  11. Selene íl Cáldisér et Zilan (Seh-leen eel cawhl-dih-sayr eht zih-luhn) Queen Selene’s full title.


  1. Ajúr zá (Uh-joor zawh) An Elvish greeting response.

  2. Bónven diné Corvoréz (Bowhn-vehn dih-nay Kowhr-vuhr-ayz) Welcome to Corvoréz.

  3. Bónven diné Córzengrétzo (Bowhn-vehn dih-nay Koor-zehn-grayt-zoh) Welcome to Córzengrétzo.

  4. Carmigan (Kar-mih-guhn) The ancestor of Kirara and her sisters who was killed by Menonias.

  5. Corvoréz (Kowhr-vuhr-ayz) The northernmost checkpoint closest to the city of Lacígra-D’antenati.

  6. Córzengrétzo (Koor-zehn-grayt-zoh) The southernmost checkpoint closest to Cí-Cen’s Northern Gate.

  7. Fínde-Rivéra (Feen-deh Rih-vay-ruh) The Maígan checkpoint sitting between Corvoréz and Córzengrétzo.

  8. Greely:  Jarus’ lieutenant at the Northern Gate.

  9. “Mánosón státó kesht’ánzó da kánd’orbád Carmigan” (Mawh-noh-sowhn stawh-towh kesht-awhn-zowh duh kawhn-duh-owhr-bawhd Kar-mih-guhn) An Elvish confession used by an Ákrah stating the possessor murdered Princess Carmigan.


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  1. Commander Lothane (Lowh-thayn) The current head of Ceris’ Chancellor’s Guard; he replaced Jarus.

  2. Coveno-Dospérna (Koh-veh-noh Doh-spayr-nuh) The massive underground prison built beneath Cí-Cen.

  3. Feldípotén (Fehl-dee-poh-tayn) An Elf epithet roughly translating as “Son of a Whore”.

  4. Mystic Academy:  The once prestigious school for magic users established by the Dragons and Elves centuries ago; they closed their doors after Menonias rose to power.


  1. Anténo (Ahn-tay-noh) An ancient curse translating “He who betrays his people”.

  2. Apón (Ay-powhn) The capital city of Pasco-Dál.

  3. Cazínfán (Kuh-zeen-fawhn) Ráth’s sword; the name means “Unshattered”.

  4. Embajé (Ehm-buh-jay) A magical command in Elvish meaning “To Go, or Embark”.

  5. Kána (Kawh-nuh) A ancient curse translating “He who betrays his brother”.

  6. Tendré Voléon (Then-dray Voh-lay-uhn) A seeker spell cast by Ráth that tether’s the caster’s life force to that of the person and object he or she seeks.

  7. Tolém (Toh-laym) An ancient curse translating “He who betrays his guests”.

  8. Yútík (Yoo-teek) An ancient curse translating “He who betrays his master”.

  9. Velojún (Veh-loh-joon) A magical command in Elvish meaning “Faster”.


  1. Ák (Awhk) Ronsonian word meaning “gross”.

  2. Álvlenz (Awhlv-lehnz) The Kílha Nashba word for “Elf Lands”, meaning Maíga.

  3. Bärvoltr (Bahr-vohl-tuhr): A Dwarf term for sentient creatures that walk like people, usually a reference to those who resemble bears.

  4. D’Kú (Duh-Koo) A Kílha Nashba warrior.

  5. Dréki Eldrúvæng (Dray-kee Ehl-droo-vayng) The Kílha Nashba word for “Dragon”.

  6. “Evákírt ákzedja?  Eshkíl ti’eghi.” (Eh-vawh-keert awh-zeh-juh esh-keel tee-eh-ghee) Kílha Nashba for “Please be patient?  I will return.”

  7. G’Rek (Guh-Rehk) A Kílha Nashba warrior and the leader of the hunting party Theron joins.

  8. G’Venna (Guh-Veh-nuh) The young Kílha Nashba healer who cares for Theron after the avalanche.

  9. House Hoshóktís (Hoh-showhk-tees) A Ronsonian noble house with a wolf as it’s sigil.

  10. K’Den (Kuh-Dehn) A Kílha Nashba warrior.

  11. Kílha Nashba (Keel-haw Nawsh-bawh) The People of the Wolf Nation; they are the people group living in the Frostlands who find and rescue Theron from the Avalanche.

  12. K’Taní (Kuh-Tawh-nee) A young Kílha Nashba woman.

  13. Landid Afgráv Ogvítu (Lahn-dihd Awf-grawhv Awhg-vee-tuu) The Kílha Nashba title given to the Frostlands; it translates “The Land of the White and Grey”.

  14. Lykámi Province (Ly-kawh-mee) The Ronsonian province serving as home to House Hoshóktís.

  15. M’Rek (Muh-Rehk) The elder of the Kílha Nashba tribe living on the plateau/mesa.

  16. M’Tá (Muh-Tawh) A Kílha Nashba warrior who harasses Theron.

  17. “Naí.  Dreka, pytá, og drekafúr.” (Ny Dreh-kuh pee-tawh awhg dreh-kuh-foor) Kílha Nashba for “Drink, spit, and drink again.”

  18. “Naí, eghi bartha" (Ny eh-ghee bawr-thuh) Kílha Nashba for “No, stay there.”

  19. Râmd’Ankellé (Ruhm-duh-Awhn-keh-lay) The name of the region that would inevitably be called “Icínq-Régn”.

  20. R’Den (Ruh-Dehn) A Kílha Nashba warrior.

  21. S’Ren (Suh-Rehn) G’Venna’s father.

  22. Stago (Stawh-goh) A Ronsonian expletive meaning “excrement”.

  23. Tí Kotaí (Tee Koh-ty) Ronsonian for “What the Hell”.

  24. Tsúla (Tsoo-luh) Ronsonian epithet meaning “bitch”.

  25. “Tus pyturog drek ojidán.  Fílyashtmé?” (Tuss pih-too-rawhg drehk oh-jee-dawhn Feel-yawsht-may) Kílha Nashba for “Please drink this.  Understand?”

  26. Úlvarmard (Oohl vawhr-mawhrd) The group of Kílha Nashba warriors sent to hunt for and protect the tribe; they are marked by geometric lines on their bodies imbued with magic.

  27. Úrcháks (Oohr-chawks) The Kílha Nashba word for “bears”; also used to denote the bear-like branch of the Bärvoltr.

  28. Vennik (Veh-nihk) A Kílha Nashba superstition; it is a monster that comes during the coldest winters.

  29. “Vinsálmga eghi… vinsálmga.” (Vihn-sawhlm-guh eh-ghee… vihn-sawhlm-guh) – Kílha Nashba for “Lay still” or “remain calm”.

  30. Yardós (Yawhr-dowhs) Ronsonian word for “bastard” used in a demeaning context.

  31. Zavier Maix (Zay-vee-uhr Mayss) A Bärvoltr from the Five Kingdoms who befriended Gavin Lake, the Dragonmyst.



  1. Captain Swanna Crane (Swawh-nuh) She is the Mær-D’enian ship the Wing of the Sea.

  2. Drox (Drawhks) The coined currency of Icínq-Régn.

  3. Fyáletbálk (Fee-yawhl-eht-bawhlk) a Kílha Nashba tribal village in the mountains north of the Mesa where Theron is living.

  4. Fyrbrón (Feer-browhn) Jarus family sword; it is Dwarven made and its name means “Firebrand” in the Dwarf language.

  5. Gwil of Bosklang (Bawhsk-layng) A blind beggar from Hærborton possessing the Sight; he hails from the low born district of Bosklang, whose name is a portmanteau for “basic language/tongue”.

  6. Hubb:  A Mær-D’enian market city in the middle of the kingdom; it sits halfway between Cí-Cen’s Western Gate and Hærborton.

  7. K’Chek (Kuh-Chehk) A Kílha Nashba warrior.

  8. Málkez (Mawhl-kehz) A Ronsonian expletive meaning “bullshit”.

  9. N’Ven (Nuh-Vehn) A Kílha Nashba survivor of Vennik’s attack on the Fyáletbálk village.

  10. Ruan (Roo-awhn) The Ronsonian Empire’s capital city.

  11. Wing of the Sea:  The ship Jarus and Eíya charter to take them to Anchorpoint on their journey to Ronso.

  12. Y’amosh (Yah-uh-mowhsh) The Mítzrâni port city serving as the only entry into their imperial territory.



  1. Fámde Lambár (Fawhm-deh Lahm-bawhr) The Elvish word for “Blood Elves” that was replaced by “Shadowkin”.

  2. Lich’s Tome:  A book full of dark magic, evil spells, and secrets only a dark mage or magus can access.

  3. Oridosian (Ohr-ih-dowh-see-uhn) Of or pertaining to the Pasco-Dálian village of Oridos, its lake, and the orphanage bearing its name.

  4. Úmpír (Oohm-peer) The Elvish word for “Vampire”.



  1. Vónlendír (Vowhn-lehn-deer) An ancient site hidden in the mountains; the name is Kílha Nashba for “cursed lands”; it is where Vennik makes its lair.



  1. Agrán’Ójo Province (Uh-grawhn-Owh-joh) The Ronsonian agricultural center.

  2. Da’í Kúrát Province (Dawh-ee Kooh-rawht) The Ronsonian political center.

  3. Deryg Kurai (Deh-rihg Kooh-ry) An infamous Ronsonian bandit and murderer.

  4. D’Láfónií (Duh-Lawh-fowhn-ee) Those individuals belonging to Júko D’Láfónós.

  5. Emperor Pandrós (Pahn-drowhs) The reigning emperor of Ronso.

  6. “Evkríshtan” (Ehv-kree-shtahn) Ronsonian for “Thank you very much”.

  7. Jen-Shokín (Jehn-Shoh-keen) The provincial capital of Agrán’Ójo Province; it is also called “The Bounty”.

  8. Júko D’Láfónós (Jyoo-koh D’Lawh-fowh-nowhs) The Ronsonian noble house ruling over Ronso; they control the banking and finance as they are one of the wealthiest and most affluent houses.

  9. “Kalobán, Kírssani.” (Kah-loh-bawhn Keer-sawh-nee) Ronsonian greeting meaning “Greetings friends”.

  10. Kírssani:  Ronsonian honorific used for greeting multiple people.

  11. Kítela (Kee-teh-luh) Ronsonian command to attack.

  12. Kókno Tékos (Kowhk-noh Tay-kowhs) The name of the Red Wall, the visible marker of Ronso’s eastern border.

  13. Kuzánkoli (Kooh-zawhn-koh-lee) Another major city in Agrán’Ójo Province.

  14. Logger’s Mill:  A city in the forests of northern Da’í Kúrát Province known for its lumber industry.

  15. Lukona River (Loo-koh-nuh) The central waterway traveling into and out of Ronso.

  16. Na’Utélaní Bay (Nuh-Ooh-tay-lawh-nee) One of the major cities on the coast of Ronso’s Imperial Harbor.

  17. Night’s Errant:  The ship that took Jarus and Eíya from Anchorpoint to Ruan.

  18. “Prokórsht notiditikán st’frórtís Pylstán Drákosh.  Nasaí prosektikósh; Spa’at Drakádzu enní ephlákton aldopán.” (Proh-kowrsht noh-tih-dih-tih-kawhn stuh-frowhr-tees Pihl-stawhn Drawh-kowsh Nuh-sy proh-sehk-tih-kowhsh Spuh-aht Druh-kawhd-zoo eh-nee eff-lawhk-towhn ahl-doh-pawhn) Ronsonian instructions telling Jarus to travel to the Fortress of Dragon’s Gate.

  19. Prostólos (Proh-stowh-lohs) The Ronsonian word for the Crimson Fleet, the Imperial Navy.

  20. “Pú b’rommeína latrávumé Drákosh?” (Poo buh-roh-may-nuh lah-trawh-voo-may Drawh-kowsh) Jarus asking where he and Eíya can find Dragon worshippers in the Ronsonian language.

  21. Pylstán Drákosh (Pihl-stawhn Drawh-kowsh) The Ronsonian name for Dragon’s Gate, the fortress of House Drakádzu.

  22. Ryúdasós Province (Ree-yoo-dawh-sowhs) The provincial region governed by House Drakádzu.

  23. Sea King:  A great sea Dragon worshipped by many Ronsonians; it is the patron deity of Júko Hal.

  24. Shí Aktí Province (Shee Awhk-tee) The northeastern-most province of all Ronso; it is known for its beautiful beaches.

  25. Trás Gúnjí Province (Trawhs Goon-jee) An island province and the Ronsonian military center; it is bordered on the east by the Red Wall and on the north, west, and south by the Lukona River.

  26. Y’Ren (Ih-rehn):  Ronsonian currency; it uses a mixture of metal coins and paper bank notes.

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