Pronunciation Guide
BOOK IV: Hadran Corvis of Farfell
Sh’Khór Mountains (Shuh-Kowhr): The chain of mountains covering the Island Province of Farfell which are made of massive obsidian crystals formed by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes during the island’s ancient past.
B’Ket Akár (Beh-keht Uh-Kawhr): The farmer who took Callum in and gave him work on his property.
Callum (Kah-luhm): The twin brother of Gavin the Dragonmyst from Books 1 & 2; he is a surgeon and quartermaster with a magical tattoo that gives him access to great knowledge and wisdom.
Darna’amal (Dawhr-nuh-uh-mawhl): A port city on the southern end of the Island Province of Farfell.
The Dragon’s Serenity: The Ronsonian smuggling ship on which Callum served as surgeon and quartermaster.
Farfell (Fawhr-fehl): The island province that serves as the central location of Book 4; it has an ancient history the predates anything in the Five Kingdoms.
Garm (Gawhrm): A sailor from Darna’amal mentioned by B’Ket in passing.
Júko Hal (Jyoo-kowh Hahl): The ancestral home of the Hal family, a noble Ronsonian house set near the sea.
Lana (Lawh-nuh): The adolescent daughter of the farmer, B’Ket.
Mær-D’en (Mayhr-Deh-ehn): The westernmost kingdom in Icínq-Régn which is the only of the Five Kingdoms that isn’t landlocked.
Rinna Hal (Rih-nuh Hahl): The captain of The Dragon’s Serenity; she was raised alongside Callum – her adopted brother – and she is the expectant mother of Callum’s unborn niece or nephew.
Ronso (Rawhn-sowh): Rinna and Callum’s homeland, it holds an imperial sovereignty across the sea from the Five Kingdoms.
S’Má (Suh-Mawh): The older, adolescent son of the farmer, B’Ket.
Z’Fír (Zuh-Feehr): A farming and brewing community in the northern portion of Farfell, it is known on the island for its breweries and distilleries.
Besh (Behsh): A letter in the Cadásur language.
Cadásur (Kuh-dawh-soohr): The ancient celestial race that created all of the sentient life in the world.
The Citadel: The largest city on Farfell, it is a walled off urban landscape with many architectural marvels that sits right on the western edge of the island.
Command Crystal: A shard of crystal magically imbued by the Cadásur to contain one’s identification and personal information.
…et Arlem (eht-Awhr-lehm): Cadásur for “of the Silver.
The First Riders of the Citadel: A platoon of horsemen established by the leaders of the Citadel; they serve in a variety of capacity including acting as a peace-keeping and policing force.
Foundling: A status with the non-serving classes of Cadásur.
Gibrál et Malkím (Ghih-brawhl eht Mahl-keem): A high-ranking member of the Cadásur Sovereignty; he is a messenger of the highest order.
Hadran Corvis (Hay-druhn Kowhr-vihss): An artifact that the Cadásur Sovereignty sent Callum to find on the Island Province of Farfell.
Kingfather: The highest entity within the Cadásur ranks.
Lúcana Sha’Dón et Sérfím (Loo-Kawh-nuh Shaw-donh eht Sayhr-feem): A high-ranking Cadásur who is second only to the Kingfather.
Malkím (Mahl-Keem): A branch of service within the ministry of the Sovereignty.
Ma’Quell et Ōph-N’hím (Mawh-Kehll eht Ohf-Nuh-heem): A high-ranking Cadásur who leads many of the warriors of the Sovereignty.
Pasco-Dál (Pahss-kowh-Dawhl): The easternmost kingdom in Icínq-Régn known for its swordsmiths and its theocratic leadership.
Ray’Eth Tórz (Rahy-Ehth Tohrz): The captain of the First Riders of the Citadel.
Ronsonian (Rawhn-sowh-nee-uhn): Of, from, or relating to the nation of the Sovereign Empire of Ronso.
The Sanctuary: A Cadásur structure in which Veylan interviews for a position within the Sovereignty.
Seráf (Sayhr-awhf): The term used for agents of the Cadásur Sovereignty.
Slipgate: A portal conjured by magic used to travel instantly between two distant places.
The Source: The total sum of the collected Cadásur archives; the tattoo on the back of Callum’s head allows him to tap into its stored wealth of information.
The Sovereignty: The leadership of the Cadásur.
Specter: An ethereal spirit of a dead Cadásur connected to the Source; this allows their memories to live on as part of the archives while they act as self-contained stewards of the information.
Terrene Vale (Teh-reen Vayhl): The name the Cadásur gave to the world on which they seeded with the life of sentient beings such as Dragons, Elves, Dwarves, and Humans.
Tesh (Tehsh): A letter in the Cadásur language.
Útark’kadá (Ooh-tawrkh-kuh-dawh): The name of the world from which the Cadásur originally come.
Veylan (Vayh-lehn): A Foundling whose memories Callum accesses during the course of his adventures on Farfell.
Zek (Zehk): A letter in the Cadásur language.
Asher: The Cadásur who recruited Callum on the mission to find Hadran Corvis.
Bedzel (Behd-zehl): A giant bird of prey that hunts at night in the skies over Farfell.
Cí-Cen (Chee-Sehn): The central-most of the Five Kingdoms known for his grand architecture that goes back several thousand years.
Icínq-Régn (Ee-seenk-Rayn): The Five Kingdoms with open borders and a unified currency.
Mær-D’enian (Mayhr-Duh-eh-nee-uhn): Of, from, or relating to the Kingdom of Mær-D’en.
Mítzrâni (Meetz-ruh-nee): A xenophobic empire whose culture is caste-based and has an economic structure focused on the buying, selling, and trading of slaves.
Pasco-Dálian (Pahss-kowh-Dawh-lee-uhn): Of, from, or relating to the Kingdom of Pasco-Dál.
Range of Fire: A mountain range formed millennia ago by a now extinct set of volcanoes in the north of Ronso.
Wora’Víso (Wowh-ruh-Vee-zowh): The sacred text used by the religion and people of the Citadel.
Black Cells: The prison used by the Citadel for any criminals they incarcerate.
J’Fay Arcós (Juh-Fayh Awhr-kohs): The Lord of the Citadel.
Messengers: Servants of the Citadel sent out to other parts of Farfell and the rest of the world.
Southern Warrens: The southern district of the Citadel; it is where the poorest of the Citadel live.
T’Aní Rowín (Tuh-Awh-nee Roh-ween): The Right Hand of the Lord of the Citadel and a prominent resident of the Citadel.
White Keep: The fortress from where the Lord of the Citadel reigns.
Amría (Aahm-ree-yuh): The mother of a young adolescent named Ellis.
Árej (Awh-rehj): Illya’s adolescent apprentice.
Bed’deth Village (Behd-dehth): A village in the east of Farfell that came under a demonic attack thousands of years ago during the time of Veylan.
Ellis: A young adolescent cursed with demonic possession.
Garrus-Lam City (Gaah-ruhss-Laahm): A city where Illya cured a disease called the Sennick Lesions.
Illya (Ihl-yuh): The healer of Bed’deth Village.
J’Em Irkís (Juh-Ehm Uhr-kees): The librarian in charge of the Citadel archives.
Maígan (My-guhn): Of, from, of pertaining to the Kingdom of Maíga.
Myrmíraí (Meehr-mee-ry): A cult of assassins native to Ronso.
Northern Arc: The northern district of the Citadel known for its more affluent citizenry.
Orin Oko (Oh-rihn Oh-koh): A house leader of the Myrmíraí with a grandiose plan to take over the Ronsonian Empire.
Revly (Rehv-lee): An elder from Bed'deth Village.
Sennick Lesions (Seh-nihk): A deadly disease that once plagued ancient Farfell.
Trás Gúnjí Province (Trawhs Goon-jee): An island region on the east of Ronso; its western shore sits on a central river flowing through the heard of the country while its eastern shore is barricaded by a massive stone edifice called the Red Wall.
Wolf: The former pilot of The Dragon’s Serenity; he died in Book 2.
Zane: The first mate of The Dragon’s Serenity.
Hærborton (Hayhr-buhr-tuhn): The capital city of Mær-D’en.
Dragon: A member of the oldest sentient race in creation.
D’Weí Verig (Duh-Wayh Veh-rihg): The captain of the City Watch.
Práva Nectar (Prawh-vawh): A drink from the Citadel made from a mixture of fruit juices that has an effervescent quality to it.
R’Shay Vín (Ruh-Shay Veehn): An obese restauranteur who has close connections with T’Aní Rowín.
Tybúr (Tyh-boohr): a large breed of shark that swim the ocean between Ronso and Icínq-Régn.
Z’Deek Water (Zuh-Deek): A water-based beverage from the Citadel.
May’Ara Rokín (My-yawh-ruh Rowh-keen): The high priestess of the Citadel; her temple employs only women who are subsequently trained in physical intimacy and pleasure.
Order of the Prómasúst (Proh-muh-soost): An order of monks from Pasco-Dál.
Ruan (Rhoo-awhn): The capital city of Ronso.
R’Av Déra (Ruh-Awhv Dayhr-uh): The Citadel’s Master of Coin and the head of the banks.
Shózán (Shoh-zawhn): A young, single mother whom Callum befriends.
B’Arís Tórz (Buh-Ahr-rees Towhrz): Ray’Eth’s brother and Shózán’s late husband; he was killed in the line of duty as a city guardsman.
Ellaria (Ehl-lawh-ree-uh): Shózán’s young daughter; she goes missing during the Hunger.
The Hunger: A sudden onset disease causing ravenous appetites – including cannibalism – during times of extreme famine.
Krondak (Krawhn-dahk): The former king of Pasco-Dál; he was killed by Asher after he murdered his own daughter and unborn grandchild.
Lodín (Loh-deen): Shózán’s infant son.
Lykámi Province (Ly-kawh-mee): A Ronsonian province in the far west of the country.
M’dín (Muh-deen): A Farfellian expletive adjective.
Asár (Uh-sawhr): An ancient Cadásur; he is responsible for the creation of the Dragons and the Vampires. He is also Asher’s father (see Book 3).
Commander of Death: A warrior leading the demon army during a memory given to Callum by Veylan.
Erda-König (Ehr-duh-Keh-nihg): An ancient Cadásur; he is responsible for the creation of the Dwarves, and was worshipped as their Earth King god.
K’Atep (Kuh-Awh-tepp): The first piece of Hadran Corvis; it is a pauldron (shoulder armor) locked away within the heights of the Sky Beacon.
Orman (Ohr-muhn): An ancient Cadásur; he is responsible for the creation of the Elves and the Humans that came from Ronso and settled in what became Icínq-Régn.
The Seven: Seven demons disguised as Humans living in the Citadel.
Shanrah (Shawhn-rawh): Veylan’s wife before his downfall in the memory Callum receives after finding the first piece of Hadran Corvis.
Sky Beacon: An ancient Cadásur vault created to secure the first piece of Hadran Corvis; it is a silver tower hovering high above the southern coast of Farfell.
Al’Hep Bét (Awhl-Hepp Bayt): A fisherman from Darna’amal who pulls Callum from the ocean.
K’Eph (Kuh-Eff): One of the fishermen in Al’Hep’s crew.
L’Enrah (Luh-Ehn-ruh): Al’Hep’s daughter; she is about twenty years old and has a small amount of magical ability.
Sa’Aph (Suh-Awff): A young man that L’Enrah knows.
Tí Kotaí (Tee Koh-Tyee): A Ronsonian expletive that roughly translates to “what the hell?”
Gavin (Gah-vihn): Callum’s twin brother and the father of Rinna’s unborn child; Gavin is the Dragonmyst.
Agrán’Ójo (Ah-grawn-Oh-joh): A province in central Ronso known for its agriculture.
Arcór (Awhr-cohr): The Provincial Seat for Amédasós, Callum’s home province.
Dragon’s Gate: A large fortress seated in a box canyon; it is the only inhabited part of Ryúdasós Province.
Izdefúche (Ihz-deh-fyoosh): A volcanic island off the coast of Mær-D’en; it is the home of a Dragon Elder whom Callum’s brother once met.
Oí Magá (Oy Muh-gawh): A common expression between Ronso and the Five Kingdoms meaning “Oh, Maker!”
Ryúdasós Province (Ree-yoo-dawh-sohs): The furthest Ronsonian territory to the southwest, it is home to the fabled Dragon Nests; the fortress of Dragon’s Gate acts as both a temple to those worshiping the Dragons and a guard against those who dare trespass on sacred ground as Menonias once had.
Viper: The evil equivalent of the Dragons; the first was Ith who was supposed to be bonded to Menonias. He was twisted by Menonias’ dark magic and every Dragon he bit became a mindless, feral beast for Ith to command.
Viprán (Vih-prawhn): A nomadic cult of Viper worshipers, akin to the priests at Dragon’s Gate who went to Ronso looking for the foretold Dragonmyst.
Z’Fírian (Zuh-feer-ee-uhn): Of, from, or relating to the Farfellian town of Z’Fír.
The Dead Island: An island off the southern coast of Mær-D’en where nothing lives or grows; Ronsonian pilgrims attempted to build a colony on the island, but they all died.
The Failed Age: This is the period of time prior to the fall of Veylan and the rise of the Seven.
J’Ore (Juh-Ohr): The proprietor of the Winged Boar in Z’Fír; a friend of B’Ket’s.
K’Lev (Kuh-Lehv): The true name of the beast from Bed’deth Village.
Menonian Wars (Meh-noh-ny-uhn): The wars that took place to bring down Menonias’ reign in the Five Kingdoms.
Menonias (Meh-noh-ny-us): A Halfling warlord from two centuries in the past who had risen to power in what became the Five Kingdoms.
Mount Atén’ama (Uh-tayn-awh-muh): A massive volcanic mountain in the northwestern region of Ronso.
Râmd’Ankellé (Ruhm-duh-Ahn-kehl-lay): The region of the world that eventually became known as Icínq-Régn, the Five Kingdoms.
The Fire Bridge: The second vault where Callum must acquire a piece of Hadran Corvis.
Kolshé (Kohl-shay): A Ronsonian expletive referring to feces/filth.
L’Áv (Luh-Awhv): The second piece of Hadran Corvis; it is shapes like an equilateral pentagon that affixes to the wearer’s chest over the heart; the name means “heart” or “center”.
Tsúla (Tsoo-luh): A Ronsonian epithet akin to “bitch”, used to in a negative context for women.
Votósh (Voh-tohsh): A Ronsonian word for “whore” or “prostitute”.
Ána (Awh-nuh): A young priestess from the Citadel whom Gavin befriends and travels.
Gamenósh (Gaw-meh-nohsh): A Ronsonian adjective akin to “f***ing”.
M’Kóm Sh’Tím (Muh-Kohm Sheh-Teem): A Farfellian word meaning “The Place of Demons”, a reference to an out-of-bounds location near an ancient set of ruins in Farfell’s northeastern region.
M’Wétt (Muh-Wehtt): Ray’Eth Tórz final form as he is consumed by the power of the Seven; he becomes a version of the Commander of Death Callum sees in one of his previous visions.
T’Shána Reí (The-Shaw-nuh Ray): Ána’s full name.
T’Shóká (The-Shoh-kawh): A Farfellian word for “desire”.
Daígós (Dy-gohs): The Ronsonian word for (political) Minister.
Drakádzu (Drawh-kawhd-zoo): The only noble Ronsonian house in the Ryúdasós Province and the caretakers of Dragon’s Gate.
Eír Sh’Hár (Ayr Sheh-Hawhr): A Farfellian word used to describe a demon from the failed age; the word means “black skin”.
The Fallen: Any person who falls to the power of the Seven and is corrupted from the inside out with a demonic curse; the term can be used singularly or plurally.
Imperial River: The central salt water river that cuts north to south through the heart of Ronso; because of its width and flow, it is used as a central waterway through the eastern half of the nation with ships coming in from the northern mouth and leaving through the southern mouth.
M’Nyús (Muh-Ny-oos): A demon lord supposedly from Farfell’s ancient past; the Seven simply used the historical accounts of Menonias for their own narrative to control the Citadel.
Amédasós (Awh-may-dawh-sohs): Callums home province.
Arus (Eh-ruhs): An acquaintance of Callum’s from Dragon’s Gate.
Dragonmyst (Drah-guhn-mihst): The title of Callum’s twin brother, Gavin.
Farfellian (Fawhr-fehl-lee-uhn): Of, from, or relating to Farfell.
Korokuté (Koh-roh-koo-tay): A Ronsonian word meaning “kill box”.
R’Gül (Ruh-Ghehl): The third piece of Hadran Corvis; it attaches to the wearer’s right hip and looks like a rectangular sheet of silver.
“Urnnit... Urnduh armor. Quit runnin’way from ev’ry jawbya hav’eer”: Zane’s mumbled way of saying, “Earn it… Earn the armor. Quit running away from every job you have here.”
“Ya betray’d yer callin’”: “Zane’s mumbled way of saying, “You betrayed your calling.”
Arroues (Uh-roo-ehss): Callum and Gavin’s uncle; he captained a pirate ship.
Drách Asár (Drawhk Uh-sawhr): The Vampire progenitor; he is the same as Asár the creator of the Dragons. He fell to the twisted power of Lúcana Sha’Dón’s demonic side.
R’Yásh (Ruh-Yawhsh): The fourth and final piece of Hadran Corvis; it resembles a crown that forms into a full helmet.
Skúla (Skoo-luh): Means the same as Tsúla (bitch), but it has a harsher connotation.
Temple of Orman (Ohr-muhn): A temple hidden away in the Three-Sands Desert where Lúcana Sha’Dón’s demonic side – J’Hadahiri N’eth-Bani, the Womb of Shadows – was incarcerated.
The Three-Sands Desert: A desert location in Terrincolto that once covered much of the kingdom; the magic of the desert created different properties across the terrain as wards to keep people from finding Menonias’ burial place. It later became the Ring Mountains after the events of Book 1.
Warrior Princess: Arroues’ pirate ship.
Army of the Fallen: The mass of Fallen demon spawn led by M’Wétt.
The Seal: A spirit prison used to hold the Seven during the height of Veylan’s protection of the island.
Curse or the Fallen: The contagious transformation passed from one Fallen to a Human, creating a viral effect; it’s the basis for all dark magic transformations (Vampires and Vipers included).
Laípo’or (Ly-poh-ohr): A Ronsonian word for “slut”; it’s more derogatory.
No Entries
Darna’amalian (Dawhr-nuh-uh-mawhl-ee-uhn): Of, from, or relating to Darna’amal.
Ajalna (Uh-jahl-nuh): The Mítzrâni god.
“Dey be goo, doh we hittuh storm off duh Frosslunnz”: Zane’s mumbled way of saying, “They be good, though we hit a storm off the Frostlands.”
Frostlands: The unclaimed region far north of the Five Kingdoms; it is known for its icy climate – hence the name – and is said to be where the Elves original homeland before settling in what became Maíga.
“Haddah sail tuh home first, an den haddah tay cawgo tu dem cat-peel”: Zane’s mumbled way of saying, “Had to sail to home first, and then had to take cargo to them cat people (Mítzrâni).”
Holem (Hoh-lehm): A prince of the Mítzrâni Empire.
Huraf (Hoo-rawff): A Mítzrâni word for “grave” or “pit”, a reference to their underworld.
Irfan (Eer-fawhn): A servant of the Mítzrâni king.
“Ler duh plank”: Zane’s mumbled way of saying, “Lower the plank.”